My whole gaming collection… from 2000 to 2023

How many games are in the whole collection?

Crazy awesome collection! :slight_smile:



What model PSP is that? Loved that thing. Spent so many hours on FF Dissidia.

Guessing you’re a big Xbox fan?

Damn, that’s amazing.

That’s a lot of hours put into gaming

I wonder if AI could recognize all the games in this picture and make a spreadsheet of their names and release dates.

You know there are other console brands, right?

I wish I could afford to collect all the PlayStation games from PS1 to PS5… but that’s just a dream for now.

All I could post is a screenshot of my Steam library :laughing:

Have you ever counted them all?

Grandfather of gaming over here!

Seriously, unwrap the TV!

That’s a beautiful setup.


Amazing collection! Wish I had one like this!

Remember, what you own also owns you…