The re-release we will probably never get

It’s a shame we’ll likely never see this gem make a comeback. Whether it’s licensing issues or just lost in time, the nostalgia is strong, and it deserves a proper re-release.

The 90’s were a special time…

Shay said:
The 90’s were a special time…


They also made a TV show. This was a dream come true when I was a kid. I was a dinosaur fanatic and loved Cadillacs. Best show ever.

Fable said:
They also made a TV show. This was a dream come true when I was a kid. I was a dinosaur fanatic and loved Cadillacs. Best show ever.

I never realized it was anything except a TV show. Makes sense, though. I just haven’t thought about it in like 30 years.

Fable said:
They also made a TV show. This was a dream come true when I was a kid. I was a dinosaur fanatic and loved Cadillacs. Best show ever.

And it started as a comic book series called Xenozoic Tales. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is the 4th volume. There’s also a tabletop RPG.


Pacey said:

Because it’s a Game Design Workshop product, and GDW went out of business. It sits right next to Tank Girl the RPG on my shelf.

In my country, we called it Mustafa.

Oli said:
In my country, we called it Mustafa.

For some reason, here in India, many kids used to call this game Mustafa as well. I learned the actual name when I finally paid attention to the loading screen after years of playing it in the arcade.

Hot chick, gun, car, the word dinosaur. Capcom knew what they were doing. That’s literally everything any guy wants.

I vaguely remember the animated series and was unaware until recently that it was based on a game, which in turn also took inspiration from a comic series.

Frost said:
I vaguely remember the animated series and was unaware until recently that it was based on a game, which in turn also took inspiration from a comic series.

Yeah, this was one of those fever dream series I remember watching on Teletoon as a very young child.

Apparently, it’s based on the comics called Xenozoic Tales.

Arun said:
Apparently, it’s based on the comics called Xenozoic Tales.

Which is why it’s unlikely to be rereleased.

Thank you for reminding me of my lovely childhood.

Vesper said:
Thank you for reminding me of my lovely childhood.

Oh sweet lord, first in the arcades, later with MAME. Still love it.

This game was the GOAT in the 90’s in our local game clubs! All the kids knew how to exploit the bugs to progress further and beat bosses. Street Fighter 2 was also very popular back then. Good times!

Dotemu has entered the chat. No, seriously—there’s no other dev I can think of being the best fit for a Cadillacs and Dinosaurs remake than Dotemu.

I’m sure rights and licensing are why we’ll never see a remaster or remake of arcade classics. Same reason The Simpsons arcade game never got a re-release.