Why don’t more games have FOV sliders?

I know this might sound like a bit of a rant, but I just wish more games included FOV sliders. Whether it’s first-person or third-person, low FOV makes me motion sick, and I’ve had to skip some amazing games because of it. Fallout 4 is the most recent example. Does anyone else feel like this should be a standard feature in games by now?

Totally agree. It feels like consoles don’t push for FOV sliders because sitting far from the screen reduces motion sickness for most people.

Aubrey said:
Totally agree. It feels like consoles don’t push for FOV sliders because sitting far from the screen reduces motion sickness for most people.

The spirit of TB lives on every time we move an FOV slider!

Devs often shrink the FOV to maintain performance rather than optimizing properly.

Riley said:
Devs often shrink the FOV to maintain performance rather than optimizing properly.

And locking games at 30 fps is just brutal. What are they even doing?

Riley said:
Devs often shrink the FOV to maintain performance rather than optimizing properly.

Let’s be real—it’s not about performance anymore. Most games don’t even have a 30 fps lock. Shrinking FOV is just laziness.

Riley said:
Devs often shrink the FOV to maintain performance rather than optimizing properly.

It’s not always about performance. Sometimes it’s a gameplay decision. For instance, tighter FOV can create more tension, like in Alien: Isolation.

It’s like FOV and good framerates are the bane of game developers’ existence.

Bao said:
It’s like FOV and good framerates are the bane of game developers’ existence.

Preach! Playing Space Marine 2 on PS5 in performance mode is so blurry it feels like my character needs glasses.

Right? They hype up 4K, but if you want a smooth framerate, everything looks like it’s running at 720p.

I always check Nexus Mods or PC Gaming Wiki for FOV fixes. Playing on a monitor vs. a TV is night and day for motion sickness.

Zayden said:
I always check Nexus Mods or PC Gaming Wiki for FOV fixes. Playing on a monitor vs. a TV is night and day for motion sickness.

Good tip for OP. Might be worth a look.

Games without FOV sliders feel unplayable. The worst for me recently was Indiana Jones on Xbox. Tunnel vision at its finest.

Peyton said:
Games without FOV sliders feel unplayable. The worst for me recently was Indiana Jones on Xbox. Tunnel vision at its finest.

Wait, Xbox doesn’t have FOV sliders? Why would that be PC-exclusive?

Historically, sliders were PC-only, especially during the PS2/3 era.

Probably because optimizing FOV for consoles is harder, and they just take the easy route.

Every PC game should have FOV sliders and ultrawide support by now. It’s 2024, c’mon!

Oak said:
Every PC game should have FOV sliders and ultrawide support by now. It’s 2024, c’mon!

FromSoftware: Best we can do is black bars. Deal with it.

Oak said:
Every PC game should have FOV sliders and ultrawide support by now. It’s 2024, c’mon!

Yes! Accessibility features like colorblind modes, no screen shake, and FOV sliders should be standard too.

A lot of newer games have FOV sliders, but for Fallout 4, you can tweak it with a simple console command.