Which popular game series have you attempted to get into multiple times but still can’t enjoy?

It is Dark Souls for me. I have literally tried, spending a whole weekend playing, and I just couldn’t get into it, even though everyone I know is an avid fan.


The first time I played Witcher 3, I hated it and stopped after a few hours. Tried it again a month later and liked it even less. But the third time, it finally clicked. I think I was just expecting it to be more like Skyrim.


I am currently on try 13, and while I occasionally love it for a day or two, I find the combat to be really awful. Stories are excellent, though :smiling_face_with_tear:


Red Dead Redemption 2. Initially, I was bored with the tedious hunting and gathering for meat and skins. On my second playthrough, I focused more on the quests only hunting when I ran out of food and had a much better time.


I vaguely remember riding my horse a long distance for a mission early in the game, only to have someone crash into me, start shooting, and kill me right before I got there.

I rage quit because it was so frustrating and tedious to have to restart that section. But eventually, I gave it another shot, and man, I am glad I did.

The real Red Dead Redemption 2 experience was all about the friends we made along the way.


After a few hours, I stopped caring about it. simply uninterested in the narrative. Why am I working so hard on this camp project? Why am I aiding Dutch, anyway? Dutch is not to my taste.


Yeah, Dutch is a real jerk. Just keep going with the story, man. :blush:

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