I have to say Resident Evil 1 Remake did it for me. The game really made me think twice about using bullets because I was always worried about running out at the wrong time. Should I dodge this zombie or take it out? What if it comes back stronger? I have a shotgun, but can I avoid using it? Same for the grenade launcher. When I got hurt, I would hesitate on healing, thinking, ‘It’s just a scratch, I’ll save that green herb for later.’ Who would waste a green herb alone, right?
Kingdom Hearts
Zhen said:
Kingdom Hearts
“I might need my 60 health potions for the next boss,” I think to myself, as I face Ansem, Seeker of Darkness.
Final Fantasy 7 – I ended up collecting so many items and consumables, it was crazy!
Grey said:
Final Fantasy 7 – I ended up collecting so many items and consumables, it was crazy!
This game definitely got me started on hoarding. Funny though, because on my second playthrough, w-item made almost everything else useless.
Same! I didn’t know about w-item until my second playthrough. Back then, I loved following guides and walkthroughs.
Currently? Baldur’s Gate 3. They give you so many scrolls, and if you’re not into DnD, it’s tough to figure out what’s actually useful.
This always happens to me, but I don’t even remember when it started.
Fallout 4 – I have so many weapons, ammo, food, and stimpacks that my game lags when I open my containers.
Noor said:
Fallout 4 – I have so many weapons, ammo, food, and stimpacks that my game lags when I open my containers.
Yeah, once you get to level 10 on normal, you’re basically unstoppable. I started a new playthrough on hard difficulty, and it definitely feels better balanced.
The Outer Worlds. Since I played on story mode, I was carrying around 70 Adreno (health stims) by the time I finished the Groundbreaker missions. I never needed to heal because nothing hit me hard enough.
Resident Evil definitely gave me this hoarding mentality, always saving the good stuff for the final boss. At least RE makes you use them for the final fight, unlike most RPGs where you just hoard everything.
I never use the stat-boosting consumables. Just can’t be bothered with the time management for them.
I tend to do this in every game, but lately it’s been happening in System Shock 2 because of my questionable build.
For me, it’s the principle. Consumables are limited, so I try to avoid using them. I like the challenge of going without them. Some games let you buy more, so it doesn’t really matter.
I had Resident Evil 1 in my head the moment I saw this post title! I just finished RE Zero, and that game really doesn’t hold back with ammo and health items. I was always scrambling for resources in the first two-thirds of the game. RE Remake is definitely easier in comparison, but Zero really got me into the habit of hoarding everything.
The original RE1 for sure. I had to restart so many times, saving my ammo and searching everywhere. It was definitely the one that started this for me.
Every Final Fantasy game. I always end up with so many unused elixirs by the end. They’re so rare, so I never use them, and then I just hoard them until the end of the game.
I still have stacks of potions and elixirs from 18 years ago in my bank because, you know, I might need them one day.
I feel you. Resident Evil 1 definitely made me paranoid about running out of resources. I’d even question if I should save now or wait until the next typewriter!