What game can you beat without taking damage?

As a child, I was able to purchase just one game—Super C for the NES. I played it so much that I learned every enemy position and move by heart. I suppose we would refer to it as speed running nowadays. I ran that crap fast. :wink:


Getting out of bed in the morning feels like taking damage. :joy:


The other day, while I was going into bed, I literally injured my ankle.


Superhot. You’ve got to go for the platinum. I thought it would be difficult, but by the time you finish all the other challenge runs to unlock it, you have already played through the game over ten times with different restrictions. So doing one more run where the only goal is to avoid getting hit is actually much easier.

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None, not even the ones I can play very, really well, I am always careless and occasionally get hit.

However, I believe I can still play Super Mario World (SNES) very effectively.

I’ve gotten very skilled at the Dark Souls games as well, however even though I might be able to pass some stages without getting struck, I still make foolish moves.

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I managed to beat Super Mario World without any deaths using the backwards Star Road path, but I can’t guarantee I didn’t take any damage along the way and you have to sacrifice a Yoshi. :joy: