A tribute to one of the greatest GTA games ever made.
The time between Vice City’s release and today is longer than the time between Vice City’s release and its setting… let that sink in.
Vanya said:
The time between Vice City’s release and today is longer than the time between Vice City’s release and its setting… let that sink in.
I double-checked this with an AI. It’s true. I am officially ancient… and also terrible at math.
Artist: Igor Artyomenko
Original artwork: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/KOxYRo
Ainsley said:
Artist: Igor Artyomenko
Original artwork: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/KOxYRo
Crazy talented. Kinda sucks that at first glance, everything painterly looks AI-generated now. AI really did a number on that style.
Edit: Not saying this is AI! When you actually look at the details, it’s obviously not. Just unfortunate that AI has made this kind of art feel ‘sus’ at first sight.
Yeah, I also thought it was AI for a second.
Wendell said:
Yeah, I also thought it was AI for a second.
The second building from the left having weirdly connected windows definitely didn’t help, lol.
That’s not exactly how it looked. But it is exactly how I remember it. 10/10 nostalgia.
Damn, I actually remember playing this like it was yesterday.
Looking at this makes me want to type bangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbang
And then watch the frame rate drop to single digits.
So good!
This looks absolutely incredible.
Now we need one for San Andreas!
100% accurate. Right down to the moment you finally steal that rare luxury sports car… and suddenly see it everywhere because of the game’s memory limitations.