Ubisoft’s founding family and Tencent might start a new venture… what’s the plan?

Seems like they don’t have much of a choice :roll_eyes:

They should make an open-world game set in a historical time period. Fill it with bases to clear and a system where you climb towers to reveal the map. Maybe something with assassins? Or even an FPS adventure game. Just spitballing here.

Sounds like a far cry from what they’ve done before.

Asher said:
Sounds like a far cry from what they’ve done before.

Yeah, it would totally go against their creed.

Dexter said:

Asher said:
Sounds like a far cry from what they’ve done before.

Yeah, it would totally go against their creed.

Don’t forget how expensive development is these days. It’s beyond good and evil at this point.

True, it’s definitely not sunshine and rainbows over there.

Dexter said:
True, it’s definitely not sunshine and rainbows over there.

I still think this new venture could actually succeed.

Paxton said:

Dexter said:
True, it’s definitely not sunshine and rainbows over there.

I still think this new venture could actually succeed.

Or it might just cause a division within the dev teams.

Then maybe the devs can splinter off and form their own group.

At the very least, it could buy them some time.

Don’t forget to add tons of fetch quests. Doesn’t need to be fancy, just ‘bring X of Y’ would work.

And maybe give the assassins some kind of creed to follow?

How about setting it in the Three Kingdoms era with Chinese assassins? That actually sounds kind of cool.

Payne said:
How about setting it in the Three Kingdoms era with Chinese assassins? That actually sounds kind of cool.

What if it was more modern, though? Like a special ops team dropped into enemy territory.

A+ sarcasm there XD

This feels like a match made in hell. Specifically the part of hell reserved for greed.

So… they’re making an Assassin’s Creed mobile gacha game?

Phoenix said:
So… they’re making an Assassin’s Creed mobile gacha game?

Honestly, I’d be shocked if that doesn’t already exist.

So Tencent gets the big titles, and the Guillemot family ends up with a little leftover company? Feels like Tencent’s just waiting for them to crash and burn so they can grab the scraps.

Rey said:
So Tencent gets the big titles, and the Guillemot family ends up with a little leftover company? Feels like Tencent’s just waiting for them to crash and burn so they can grab the scraps.

Assassin’s Creed is the big title, though.