Recent pick ups of mine. Might just do eeny meeny miney moe…
Earthbound and Chrono Trigger aren’t authentic. I’m not a rich man. I did put Panasonic save batteries in them though, so there is that at least.
Recent pick ups of mine. Might just do eeny meeny miney moe…
Earthbound and Chrono Trigger aren’t authentic. I’m not a rich man. I did put Panasonic save batteries in them though, so there is that at least.
Chrono Trigger 100% if you haven’t ever played it. Earthbound is phenomenal; however, be advised that it is long as heck, and you can screw yourself to the point that you’ll have to start over, so keep a good amount of items, etc. on you always.
I haven’t played any of these yet. This is a good tip thank you.
Nuri said:
I haven’t played any of these yet. This is a good tip thank you.
I wish I could go back and play Chrono Trigger for the first time again.
Nuri said:
I haven’t played any of these yet. This is a good tip thank you.
Just make sure to grab the item in the trashcan at the start.
I also will point out that the gameplay in Earthbound is a bit archaic and can be a turn off to some, I was one of the fortunate ones to play this game when it came out and even back then the battle system was outdated.
It’s an incredibly good game but that’s mostly because of the music, characters, setting, and story.
Having beat it recently I think the battle system gets much better over time because that rolling down mechanic has time to be meaningful. I disliked it at the start but thought it was good by the end.
Yeah it’s a neat take on turn-based battles and they use it, my point was more you only see the enemies in combat which is more reminiscent of the early Dragon Quest games.
Yes, but it does have the best RPG mechanic that you don’t see anywhere else. If you get into a fight that you have no chance of losing, it just skips the fight and gives it to you.
Sounds like the shooting in Fallout 3?
Yea I enjoyed Earthbound when I played it for the first time a couple of years ago, but the whole inventory / item system stinks. It gets better as you get more characters though.
Me, it was the inventory, which is limited and awkward to swap items around, in a way which reminds me of Dragon Quest V,
and which I’m grateful that Dragon Quest VI tried to do what would become the Pokémon model instead, with the large bag.
I also find it at least a bit interesting, that this is one of roughly two games I’ve played, along with Pokémon Gold, where my parents were the banking system.
Everything else I’m onboard with, although I could point to several things such as the Disorientation Mushroom, which feel like the game is trolling the player,
Which does fit with the tones of the game, being this deranged Gen X parody adventure gone very, very wrong, and consistently walking this fine line between charming and dickish.
How do you screw up Earthbound so bad that you have to start over? (Genuine question, I’m not taking the piss)
Tallis said:
How do you screw up Earthbound so bad that you have to start over? (Genuine question, I’m not taking the piss)
There are a couple areas in the game where it gets pretty brutal and long. There are no item shops or towns you can visit in between and in some cases, can’t backtrack to get them. If you get too far in without the necessary healing items, it’s over.
Tallis said:
How do you screw up Earthbound so bad that you have to start over? (Genuine question, I’m not taking the piss)
Probably being underleveled in a place where you can’t go back.
Tallis said:
How do you screw up Earthbound so bad that you have to start over? (Genuine question, I’m not taking the piss)
You speed run through it so once you hit the area boss, you are too underleveled to beat it.
Literally started my first play through last night only in town two, want to avoid walkthroughs. Any other tips like that?
Unless your chuggaconroy then you don’t have to worry.
I do Earthbound once a year now. Such a good game
Chrono Trigger is by far the best of them. Earthbound bored me so much I couldn’t finish but some people love it. Paper Mario is sorta mid compared to Super Mario RPG but it’s not bad