Just noticed today that my local GameStop still has the same Halo 3 window display from way back in 2007. Kinda crazy how it’s still holding up after all these years. Anyone else seen something like this?
Probably because they never bothered to update it. Why fix what ain’t broken?
Yeah, the one near me still had the Mario Galaxy sticker up even after the store shut down.
Dara said:
Probably because they never bothered to update it. Why fix what ain’t broken?
Exactly! At this point, it’s a relic. They should just keep it forever.
Points up This guy gets it.
Dara said:
Probably because they never bothered to update it. Why fix what ain’t broken?
Exactly! At this point, it’s a relic. They should just keep it forever.
Kinda like how every GameStop had a GTA V display for years.
Dara said:
Probably because they never bothered to update it. Why fix what ain’t broken?
This and the Super Mario Galaxy decals are legendary. Some GameStops still have those up too.
Dara said:
Probably because they never bothered to update it. Why fix what ain’t broken?
Whoever made that sign deserves a medal. Surviving nearly 20 years of sun damage is impressive. I say the water stains at the bottom just add character.
Would be cool to compare it to the original color. Bet it’s faded a bit but still looks good.
Chief’s armor looks a little… blue? Might be the sun, though.
Dara said:
Probably because they never bothered to update it. Why fix what ain’t broken?
This store should be a historic landmark at this point.
Dara said:
Probably because they never bothered to update it. Why fix what ain’t broken?
This store should be a historic landmark at this point.
More sacred than some actual religious sites, at least for Halo fans.
The golden years of gaming. No need to remove something that represents peak gaming.
Halo 3’s midnight launch was probably the last massive game launch before everything went digital. The whole industry changed after that. This GameStop keeping that display up is like a tribute to a lost era.
I had that trailer and the Final Fantasy XIII one on repeat on my iPod Video.
Man, I miss midnight releases. It was such a vibe standing outside with strangers, all excited for the same thing. Now, we just hit download and go to bed. Feels like something got lost along the way.
And now Xbox barely has anything exciting going on. Nobody really buys Xbox anymore.
Terry said:
And now Xbox barely has anything exciting going on. Nobody really buys Xbox anymore.
Yeah, they’ve kinda lost their edge. They don’t have that must-have exclusive anymore.
Their biggest issue is how they handle their hardware. I still don’t even know which is the ‘better’ Xbox between X and S. And making every game run on both kinda kills it for developers.
Terry said:
Their biggest issue is how they handle their hardware. I still don’t even know which is the ‘better’ Xbox between X and S. And making every game run on both kinda kills it for developers.
Yeah, Xbox’s problem is they spent billions buying up studios but barely have anything to show for it. GamePass is cool but it’s not enough to carry a whole platform.
So which one is the most powerful? I still have no idea.