I found these at the bottom of a box of games. I lost my Atari and Colecovision (along with dozens of games) in a fire back in the early 90s, but somehow these classic brochures were mixed in with other stuff and survived.
I especially love the tips page from David Crane—pure nostalgia!
Also, weirdly enough, I never even owned Skate or Die 2, so no idea which friend left me that one.
Edit: I just realized I only posted one photo! It was showing me a gallery link, so I assumed all the pics were there. Here’s the full album:
I had a bunch of these too! My Atari ended up with my sister back in the 90s when I moved, so at least her kids got to play it. No idea where it is now, but I had a ton of games. Asteroids was my favorite—I even have an old Polaroid of me in front of the TV right after I flipped the score from 99,999 back to 0.
That’s awesome! My family never went for the latest consoles, so I was playing Atari when NES was big, then NES when SNES came out, just scooping up old games on the cheap. Wish I still had them to show my family now! I might frame the brochures or do something with them—they’ve held up really well.
Same here! I’ve been thinking about making some multi-frame wall art with them. If you do something like that, post it—I’ll try to do the same! Now I kinda want to play Asteroids again, but it’s gonna feel weird without that old joystick.
Man, I loved Burgertime on Colecovision! Same with Donkey Kong—probably the best port of that game. Pitfall II, though? Yeah… I was terrible at that one.