KCD 2... Why is pre-order content and season passes only bad when Ubisoft does it?

You know the best move? Just wait a year or two for the complete edition to go on sale. You get everything for way cheaper.

Eli said:
You know the best move? Just wait a year or two for the complete edition to go on sale. You get everything for way cheaper.

Honestly, these days it’s more like 6-12 months max. There’s too many games out there to rush into buying day one.

Not to mention, the worse a game launches, the bigger the discounts later. Sometimes waiting pays off.

Kai said:
Not to mention, the worse a game launches, the bigger the discounts later. Sometimes waiting pays off.

Yeah, look at that Ubisoft Avatar game. Came out last year and I just saw it on sale for like $12.

And waiting lets them fix bugs. Nothing worse than a game-breaking glitch ruining your 100-hour save file.

Eli said:
You know the best move? Just wait a year or two for the complete edition to go on sale. You get everything for way cheaper.

Or just wait until they remove Denuvo so it actually runs properly.

Eli said:
You know the best move? Just wait a year or two for the complete edition to go on sale. You get everything for way cheaper.

I picked up KCD1 with all DLC for like $6 on Xbox. Why rush to buy games when they’ll be cheap later?

Some people just want to play it now. If I’ve been waiting years for a game, I’m not holding off just to save a few bucks.

Bliss said:
Some people just want to play it now. If I’ve been waiting years for a game, I’m not holding off just to save a few bucks.

Fair, but there’s real advantages to waiting. Bug fixes, better balance, improved performance, mods, and all DLC included.

Yeah, I get that, but I usually just check reviews before buying. If it’s stable enough, I don’t mind playing day one.

Nobody cares because it’s not Ubisoft or EA. Gamers only get mad when it’s a ‘hated’ publisher doing it.

Tavis said:
Nobody cares because it’s not Ubisoft or EA. Gamers only get mad when it’s a ‘hated’ publisher doing it.

Yep. Not saying these practices are okay, but it’s funny how selective people get.

Tavis said:
Nobody cares because it’s not Ubisoft or EA. Gamers only get mad when it’s a ‘hated’ publisher doing it.

Clearly someone cares. Look at all the comments here.

Tavis said:
Nobody cares because it’s not Ubisoft or EA. Gamers only get mad when it’s a ‘hated’ publisher doing it.

People forgive a lot if the games are good. If Ubisoft made bangers, people wouldn’t be as harsh on them.

The pre-order quest is annoying, but an expansion pass is fine if it adds a real storyline.

Brooke said:
The pre-order quest is annoying, but an expansion pass is fine if it adds a real storyline.

Day one DLC is trash. If it was made before launch, it should be in the game.

Depends on the DLC. If it’s like Blood and Wine from Witcher 3, I don’t mind if they started working on it early.