KCD 2... Why is pre-order content and season passes only bad when Ubisoft does it?

Seems like people are quick to criticize Ubisoft for locking content behind pre-orders, but when it’s another studio, nobody cares. KCD 2 is doing the same thing, yet I barely see any outrage. Why the double standard?

They did this with the first game too.

I loved KCD, and so far, the second one looks great, but yeah, it’s fair to criticize.

Lyle said:
They did this with the first game too.

I loved KCD, and so far, the second one looks great, but yeah, it’s fair to criticize.

I think the issue is that people have more goodwill for smaller studios. Ubisoft has a long history of squeezing players for every penny.

So you’re basically pre-ordering a tutorial?

Actually, now that I think about it, this is just a booster pack disguised as a quest. Clever, but weird that it’s locked behind a pre-order.

Yeah, they just packaged the bonus items in a lore-friendly way instead of dumping them into your inventory.

Lyle said:
They did this with the first game too.

I loved KCD, and so far, the second one looks great, but yeah, it’s fair to criticize.

And the first game had a rough launch. Just don’t pre-order, problem solved.

Never pre-order anything. You’re literally paying extra to beta test a game.

Jai said:
Never pre-order anything. You’re literally paying extra to beta test a game.

Yep, and pre-ordering just encourages them to lock even more content behind it.

Also, I hate the whole ‘pay extra for early access’ thing. The game is done, but they’re just making people wait unless they cough up more cash.

Jai said:
Never pre-order anything. You’re literally paying extra to beta test a game.

At this point, I’m just waiting for a company to fully admit that pre-orders = paid QA testing.

Jai said:
Never pre-order anything. You’re literally paying extra to beta test a game.

Why hire testers when gamers will pay to do the work for you?

Jai said:
Never pre-order anything. You’re literally paying extra to beta test a game.

Pre-orders used to make sense back in the day when they came with cool physical stuff like art books or statues. Now it’s all digital junk nobody cares about.

Jai said:
Never pre-order anything. You’re literally paying extra to beta test a game.

Honestly, I think the real problem is that they keep getting away with it. If people stopped pre-ordering, this wouldn’t be a thing.

Review copies have been out for a while. Most say the game runs well aside from a few minor bugs. Nothing game-breaking.

Maxwell said:
Review copies have been out for a while. Most say the game runs well aside from a few minor bugs. Nothing game-breaking.

Yeah, but what kind of hardware were they using? A 4090 on liquid cooling? I’ll wait for real-world benchmarks.

Maxwell said:
Review copies have been out for a while. Most say the game runs well aside from a few minor bugs. Nothing game-breaking.

Exactly. Just buy it when it releases. No need to give them a free loan.

Lyle said:
They did this with the first game too.

I loved KCD, and so far, the second one looks great, but yeah, it’s fair to criticize.

Wait… you’re already playing it?

Uma said:

Lyle said:
They did this with the first game too.

I loved KCD, and so far, the second one looks great, but yeah, it’s fair to criticize.

Wait… you’re already playing it?

Some reviewers got it early, and a few people with physical copies got lucky.

Uma said:

Lyle said:
They did this with the first game too.

I loved KCD, and so far, the second one looks great, but yeah, it’s fair to criticize.

Wait… you’re already playing it?

Could also be going off reviews. Doesn’t mean they actually played it yet.

Lyle said:
They did this with the first game too.

I loved KCD, and so far, the second one looks great, but yeah, it’s fair to criticize.

Wasn’t the exclusive quest in the first game tied to Kickstarter?

Lyle said:
They did this with the first game too.

I loved KCD, and so far, the second one looks great, but yeah, it’s fair to criticize.

Oh wow, didn’t know they pulled this before. That’s disappointing.

KCD was one of those games I had my eye on for years before finally buying it.