I drew my favorite earthworm!

Used markers and colored pencils for this one. Honestly, I had flashbacks to dying constantly to rabid dogs or whatever craziness this game threw at you!


Noe said:


I’m trying to think of other gaming earthworms…

Micah said:
I’m trying to think of other gaming earthworms…

There’s Worms, but I don’t think any of them have actual names. :joy:

Hutton said:

Micah said:
I’m trying to think of other gaming earthworms…

There’s Worms, but I don’t think any of them have actual names. :joy:

They do have names! Usually random and silly.

Micah said:
I’m trying to think of other gaming earthworms…

I liked Worms 3D.

Micah said:
I’m trying to think of other gaming earthworms…

Maybe not earthworms, but same era… Rayman comes to mind.

Holy crap, this takes me back…

Earthworm Jim! Through the soil he did crawl!

Remy said:
Earthworm Jim! Through the soil he did crawl!

Earthworm Jim! A supersuit did fall!

This is amazing! I checked out your other work too—really great stuff. Keep it up!

Joss said:
This is amazing! I checked out your other work too—really great stuff. Keep it up!

Thank you! I’ll definitely keep sharing.

Awesome work, this is incredible.


Wow, this is amazing! Great job.

Sick artwork, bro! Definitely saving this one.

Super cool, man!

Poor earthworm, always getting into trouble. :cry:
