I never understood the hate for this game XD. It feels like the “mah grimdark” crowd was the one that pushed the narrative that it was trash. It was a perfectly decent lower-budget PS2 game.
Bad timing in my opinion. The faction likely had the fewest fans since it was “less dark,” which made it a double hit for a licensed FPS game.
If nothing else, someone deserves credit for having the audacity to make space marines the antagonists in a first-person shooter. It pains me to witness it happening now.
Still surprisingly enjoyable. In case anyone is curious, it may be found on GOG.
And tell us how is the pc port?
Functions fairly good. I can not recall exactly what I did, but I believe you have to do something to activate widescreen because the user interface doesn’t adjust to the higher resolution. However, it sounds good.
Unfortunately, that screenshot shows an issue I am having with the GOG version, something about the resolution makes the character clip slightly into the vehicle, leaving me stuck and unable to move. It happens right at the beginning of the mission.