Every game NEEDS easy text/UI scaling… why isn’t this standard?

Why is it still not standard for games to have proper text/UI scaling options that are easy to find and use?

Even games that include them often make them clunky, unintuitive, or half-baked. If I can’t read the menu text, it would be nice if in-game books and notes were also scaled up.

Most of the time, the only thing that scales is subtitles, so menus and UI elements stay tiny.

This is a problem almost every time I start a new game. Didn’t expect to need a mod just to read text in newer games like BG3.

This should be a no-brainer accessibility win for every developer.

Some games are getting better at this. More and more are adding accessibility settings right from the start.

Props to those devs who actually care.

Fallon said:
Some games are getting better at this. More and more are adding accessibility settings right from the start.

Props to those devs who actually care.

Resident Evil 4 Remake did this well.

Also, their graphics settings show actual side-by-side comparisons for each change, which is a nice touch.

Having both comparison images AND a detailed explanation? More games need this.

Fallon said:
Some games are getting better at this. More and more are adding accessibility settings right from the start.

Props to those devs who actually care.

Far Cry 6 did a surprisingly good job with this.

Wasn’t it nominated for something because of its accessibility features?

100% agree. I play on a 15” 2560x1440 screen, and a lot of games make the UI so tiny it’s unusable.

Bryn said:
100% agree. I play on a 15” 2560x1440 screen, and a lot of games make the UI so tiny it’s unusable.

Same here. I used to struggle on a laptop, so I switched to a 65” 4K TV, thinking it would help. Nope… somehow, it made things even worse.

Yeah, I play on a 55” TV. Ever tried dropping the resolution to 1080p?

Daniel said:
Yeah, I play on a 55” TV. Ever tried dropping the resolution to 1080p?

I’ve done that for a few games, but I’d rather use 4K for everything except text.

Just give me some ‘old man mode’ options, please.

If you need ‘old man mode,’ can you even tell the difference between 1080p and 4K?


Winter said:
If you need ‘old man mode,’ can you even tell the difference between 1080p and 4K?


Haha, I wish! But no, there’s still a noticeable improvement going from 1080p to 4K. Maybe in 10 years, I won’t be able to tell anymore.

Winter said:
If you need ‘old man mode,’ can you even tell the difference between 1080p and 4K?


It’s a huge difference, especially on a big TV compared to a monitor.

Daniel said:

Winter said:
If you need ‘old man mode,’ can you even tell the difference between 1080p and 4K?


It’s a huge difference, especially on a big TV compared to a monitor.

Yeah, I was mostly joking. Haven’t gamed on a TV in over a decade.

I have a 50” TV mounted on my wall, PC hooked up, and I sit about six feet away. 4K resolution at that distance makes some UI text straight-up unreadable.

Kingsley said:
I have a 50” TV mounted on my wall, PC hooked up, and I sit about six feet away. 4K resolution at that distance makes some UI text straight-up unreadable.

Some games make text look like a solid line, like the micro-printing on American money.

Or like trying to read the last line on an eye exam chart. Looks like Morse code.

This drives me nuts.

I play PC games on my TV because I can. Why would I use a tiny 1080p monitor when I have a 50” 4K/60fps screen?

But this is my biggest issue with it. The text is so damn small sometimes that I have to get up and walk to the screen just to read menus.

Most of the time, it’s older games. But the one that really shocked me? Stardew Valley. Didn’t expect to need a mod just to make it playable.

Tried to play Chernobylite on my PS5. Couldn’t read the text from my couch. Uninstalled after 15 minutes.

Probably the only ‘Every game should have…’ post I actually agree with.