Finally got my retro gaming setup hooked up! PS2, NES, Atari—can’t wait to dive in. Starting with SSX3!
Let’s get tricky!
SSX3 and Tricky are the absolute peak of snowboarding games. Nothing else even comes close.
SSX3 was amazing! I’d love to see a Switch remaster or, better yet, a new game in the series.
Tricky is still one of my all-time favorite games. It’s such a blast to play.
Darcy said:
Tricky is still one of my all-time favorite games. It’s such a blast to play.
Just FYI, that’s SSX3 in the photo, not Tricky.
Darcy said:
Tricky is still one of my all-time favorite games. It’s such a blast to play.
Just FYI, that’s SSX3 in the photo, not Tricky.
Got it. I just saw ‘Let’s get tricky’ and immediately thought of Tricky. Anything else?
That title screen always makes me think of The Sims 2 for some reason.
E A Sports…BIG!
Are CRTs hard to find these days? I really want one, but we threw ours out years ago.
My back hurts just looking at that setup. CRTs were no joke!
Yo, we had that exact same Sony TV when I was a kid! My dad still has it in his basement.
You need some shag carpet in that room to complete the retro vibe.
Splinter Cell
Just pointing out—that’s SSX3, not Tricky.